Adventures in Homeschooling

Last year, my children and I moved across the country to Florida.  We moved into a much homeschoolingwarmer climate, a farm, and even more opportunities.  One of those opportunities was to homeschool.  We have been talking about homeschooling for awhile, but our lifestyle at the time wasn’t open for it.  Suddenly, we realized this is possible.  We can homeschool, and there are loads of opportunities in the state of Florida.

We’ve been homeschooling for a year now, and throughout this experience we’ve kind of stepped into a new reality – a new adventure in raising our kids.

You see – I think its even possible to educate our own children even if you are working a full time job.  I think its possible to take our kid’s education into their own hands.  I think its time to free the children and let them guide us in their learning.  The fascinating part is that when given the opportunity to learn what they want to learn about…they are passionate burning fires, eating away at the knowledge which matters to them.

I’ve discovered a lot of valuable resources in homeschooling, and developing a curriculum that fits your child.  In this “Adventures in Homeschooling” series, I will offer tips, strategies and obstacles you may run into throughout the homeschooling journey.

I’m excited to share this adventure with fellow geeky moms!

Happy learning,

Nicole Ann Founder

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